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ongoing research project中文是什么意思

用"ongoing research project"造句"ongoing research project"怎么读"ongoing research project" in a sentence


  • 进行中的研究项目


  • Most faculty have at least a few ideas that they think might make good projects , or they have ongoing research projects that could use some help
  • An ongoing research project , funded by the university of cambridge , asked a sample of teachers , teacher educators and employers in more than 40 countries whether they regard the native / non - native speakers distinction as being at all important . " no " was the answer
  • The funding commitment for ongoing research projects , from both external and internal sources , amounted to $ 591 . 73 million . these projects totalled no less than 1 , 825 , with 482 newly started during the year . they represented the efforts of 865 academic staff members and about 871 research personnel , including research assistants and research fellows
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